Construction Value
Conceptually the design of the building was driven by the position and orientation of the existing stadium within the context of the still to be realised broader Clermont Town Centre Urban Framework.
SRX Stadium is also an important contribution to the establishment of a sports hub. The design of the stadium was also driven by the scale and form of the roof which acts as both a beacon and a protection from the elements.
Additional spectator seating was added to the existing north and south tribunes by means of prefabricated concrete seating treads on RC columns and beams, vertically and horizontally. On site and off site prefabrication of the major elements and multiple crews working simultaneously, allowed for a swift delivery program.
The existing Sugar Ray Xulu Stadium was selected as one of the 3 training venues of the FIFA world Cup.
The stadium was revamped to accommodate 6550 spectators from its existing 2000 seats. The venue had to adhere to both FIFA and PSL requirements and specifications as well as Stadium Disaster Management regulations.
eThekwini Municipality
R80 million
Sugar Ray Xulu Stadium
Pinetown, KwaZulu-Natal, South Af
ricaCompleted 2010